Monday, September 22, 2008

T-Minus TWO

Well I apologize to those who left comments and didn't get any love back from me. I keep forgetting that I even have a blog, but I'll start checking back more often from now on, I didn't even know that you guys knew the URL. So, my visa has finally gotten processed and I'll be heading out in two weeks. It's really strange knowing that I'll be gone so soon, and it was kind of a shock to me when I got the email. Of course I knew I was going to go, but now that the departure date is so soon it feels weird knowing I'm going to be half-way across the world very shortly. Oh well, I'm ready for it. This week is my last week at work and I'm ready to get out of there. It's good practice, but the budget is too low to make anything worth mentioning and I'm sick of compromising quality due to time restraints and terrible budgeting. I've been working on a komodo dragon, doing the modeling, rigging, and now the texturing and a day doesn't go by without my boss making some snide comment about me taking too long and then disappearing into his office. I'm not a texture artist, and to be asked to jump into Zbrush and make a detailed bump and color map for a thing with a bunch of scales and folds of skins in 2 days is just ridiculous. Bah. Anyway, keep checking back and I'm glad to see that I'll be able to keep in touch with everyone. Oh, and I'm going to start uploading drawings I've been doing. Right now my scanner sucks but once I get to Japan I'm going to buy one and get down to business. Here's two I have scanned right now. Gotta love them prismas.


jdl said...

is that all you got?

and you call yourself a paul fuller.

andrew.hake said...

you better start preparing your butt for the finest toiletry treatment it has ever received.

Buster said...

Andy is a messy pooper.

Jaron-Eugene said...

I'm proud of you.Now you can grow fully!